Top 4 Tips for maintaining Oral Hygiene

top 4 tips for oral hygiene

We believe that a healthy smile is the foundation of an overall wellbeing. Maintaining good oral hygiene at home is the key to a sparkling smile and optimal oral health other than visiting the dentist for regular checkups. In this blog, we will be explaining about Main four essential tips to keep oral hygiene are explored. 

" Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond ".

1. Brush teeth correctly

Bruising teeth twice a day is the cornerstone for good oral health. Brushing doesn’t mean simply moving to and fro through teeth; a proper technique needs to be followed to get rid of plaque and bacteria. To brush like a pro, initially choose the right brush.  A soft-bristled toothbrush is always good. Make sure it will  comfortably reach all areas of your mouth. Consider an electric toothbrush for a more thorough cleaning experience. Tilt your brush at a 45-degree angle against the gumline and brush in a circular motion. Don’t forget to brush the tongue to remove bacteria that can contribute to bad breath.

2. Flossing: An Essential Step You Shouldn't Skip

Brushing alone will not reach the tight spaces between the teeth, where plaque and food particles hide. Flossing once in a day is helpful to remove these hidden particles. To floss effectively these are the things to ensure. Choose the floss that is suitable for you either dental floss or water flosser. Do flossing gently and avoid snapping the floss between teeth as this can irritate the gums. Do not mode back and forth, move gently up and down motion only to clean the sides of each tooth.

3. Smoking and alcohol consumption negatively affect

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption determines your oral hygiene. Smoking weakens the immune system thus paving the way for gum diseases and oral cancer. Smoking results in stained teeth and gives bad breath. On the other hand alcohol reduces saliva production which is vital for washing away bacteria and preventing cavities. If you are addicted to smoking and liquor talk to the dentist at Bliss Clinic we can support you to make strategies to maintain oral health.

4. Regular dental checkups is a saviour

Regular dental check ups and cleanings are a saviour to protect your oral health. When thinking about a long run these check ups will save time, money and discomfort in future. In regular check ups the doctor will keep you updated if any signs of decay, gum disease or oral cancer are there. At Bliss. We utilise advanced cleaning techniques to remove plaque and tartar buildup that bruising and flossing alone can’t reach. And also to get tailored strategies for maintaining a healthy smile the doctors will recommend you oral hygiene habits. It is always better to schedule a dental checkup at least twice a year.

At Bliss Clinic in Ajman, we prioritise your oral health and hygiene. We use only contemporary technology and machines to provide comprehensive dental care. In relation to the needs of our patients, we change our strategies and practices, as we believe that a patient-centric approach will always work well. To achieve a healthier and brighter smile, visit Bliss Clinic Ajman and schedule an appointment. Also follow the simple tips discussed in the blog and prioritise regular dental checkups; then you can achieve and maintain optimal oral health for years to come.